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JS Group welcomes the new Joint Consortia Framework Agreement

JS Group welcomes the new Joint Consortia Framework Agreement for Books and eBooks as a major contribution to increasing service standards and transparency in the provision of learning resources to students.

With so many universities looking at new, innovative ways to support blended learning and to provide students with their learning resources, JS Group welcomes the new Joint Consortia Framework Agreement (the Agreement) as a major contribution to increasing transparency and establishing best practice and service standards in the provision of resources to students.

Under the leadership of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium, universities throughout England and Wales along with JISC and SCONUL have sponsored and developed this new Agreement so it provides all universities with the best and most flexible framework for acquiring learning resources, be that for the library or for the direct distribution to students. It has also, following a rigorous and detailed tender and selection process, identified those suppliers who exceed minimum service standards, set best practices and are best qualified to supply learning resources to students. As well as identifying the leading suppliers, the Agreement also ensures that there is price transparency in the market with each supplier pleased to make public the minimum discounts available to universities when purchasing books and eBooks.

JS Group is pleased to have been accredited as a leading supplier under each category of the Agreement that relates to the direct supply of books and eBooks to students.

Commenting on the award, Peter Gray, Chairman and CEO of JS Group, said:

We know from our discussions with universities the growing importance they place on providing their students with the learning resources they need to progress and to achieve. Investment across the sector is increasing and this will continue to do so with the emphasis within TEF on learning environments and learning resources. This Agreement gives universities a great framework for the competitive provision of learning resources and great confidence that the accredited suppliers share their ambition and can provide the highest level of service. Along with our eBook platform partner Kortext, we are delighted to have been accredited and look forward to supporting universities in the future.
